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88 Mile Trip – Through The Thickest Haze – Album Review

A trip well worth taking....

Source // 88 Mile Trip

Through The Thickest Haze is the debut album from Vancouver based Stoner mob 88 Mile Trip and despite forming only two years ago, the band have their sound nailed down to a tee.

Wearing their influences proudly on their collective sleeves – vocalist David Bell channels shades of the inimitable John Garcia and at other times adopts an anguished howl that isn’t a million miles from that of Glenn Danzig – it’s Kyuss that appear to be 88 Mile Trip’s prime inspiration; the guitars of Hugo Gould Marks and Casey James providing suitably down-tuned and fulfilling fuzzy riffs.

The problem with a lot of Stoner Rock/Metal is that at times it can plod along aimlessly but this is no issue for 88 Mile Trip who keep most songs to around the four minute mark. When they do stretch the songs out a little – particularly on the closing “Sacred Stone” – the changes in tempo mixes things up enough to keep their brand of rumbling, churning Rock interesting and engaging. The mid-paced opener, “The Repressed“, proudly sets the tone for the next 44 minutes with its sea of heavy, bluesy riffs while the standout track, “Burn The Saints“, may start out with a Classic Rock vibe but eventually locks into a stone-cold groove; both guitarists excelling with numerous tasteful and meandering solos.

Through The Thickest Haze is an album of finely crafted, heavy yet accessible Stoner Rock that should appeal to all fans of the genre. As long as they don’t take a wrong turn, there’s no reason why 88 Mile Trip won’t be in this for the long haul. 8/10

About Gavin O'Connor (160 Articles)
Lifelong Heavy Metal fan. First got into Quo and Leppard, when I was 9 or so I first heard Megadeth and that was me hooked

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