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Kaine’s Trad Metal Debut To Get A Remastered Re-Release

Source // f1.bcbits.com

NWOBHM revivalists Kaine have confirmed they are currently working on a remastered version of their debut album, Falling Through Freedom.

Kaine frontman/guitarist Rage Sadler has this to say:

“We have officially sold out of the original version of the album, which for me was a perfect time to go back over it. The band and technology has moved on a lot since 2011 when we started the album, in fact when we wrote and demoed the original versions of the songs it was way back in 2009 and 2010!

I am the only member of the band still here after all that time. After the successful release of Justice, Injustice and the positive reception the ‘sound’ of that track received, I decided I would be ‘re-doing’ Falling Through Freedom to match that sound.

I have started re-recording some of the guitars [at Threecircles Recording Studio], I and Ade Hare – who recorded and produced the original Falling Through Freedom as well as our recent single Justice, Injustice – have been listening to the existing guitars, bass and drums and Ade will be working on the drum sound over the coming weeks.

Having heard the isolated tracks for the first time in years, I have to say what a sterling job Josh and Dan did with the drums and bass on that album the first time round. With those, all we will be doing is altering the sound to match what we did on Justice, Injustice. I was also impressed by the lead and solo work done by Anthony, given that he was only in the band a few months before he came in and recorded all the leads and solos, replacing Orrin’s versions; I still have the Orrin version of Falling Through Freedom somewhere.

There are great songs on that album and in the past the recording/mix has been criticised. I hope that doing this now will put those complaints to rest and leave us with an album we can be really proud of and that matches the quality of our other releases.

Vocally, I am a much improved “singer” from where I was when we did this record four years ago. I only had an evening or so to do the original takes, this time I will be spending the time to get all vocals sounding as brilliant as they are live.

After we get the tracks up to speed with 2015, I will be asking Z-Plane to again master it as he did a great job with both The Waystone and Justice, Injustice.

So what’s next? Well, we will be doing a new CD for it obviously as well as digital downloads. If you own the original album, you have one of just two hundred ever made of that version of the album! I am hoping we can offer those who bought the original a discount code of sorts too.”

There you have it, a consummate breakdown of Kaine’s plans for their NWOBHM/Thrash/Speed Metal debut. Don’t already have it? This re-release will you give the opportunity to correct this diabolical indiscretion! \m/

About Chris Jennings (1997 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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