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Darkness’ Lee Weinberg Takes On Our 10 Questions Of Biblical Proportions

Darkness Descends!

Source // Lee Weinberg

As recently covered by Worship Metal, German Thrash heroes Darkness have finally returned after almost 25 long years in the shadows. For those who truly know their Thrash, their Death Squad (1987) and Defenders Of Justice (1988) albums are revered as classics of the genre and new track “L.A.W” indicates a return to form; old-school Teutonic terror laced with a modern edge resulting in some fine quality Death/Thrash!

With a new EP entitled XXIX under their bullet-belts and a new frontman in the shape of Lee Weinberg (Dull, Yuppie Club) stepping up to the mic, the timing seemed right to throw 10 Questions Of Biblical Proportions at the man now responsible for shredding his larynx for Darkness on a nightly basis.

Here’s how Darkness’ Lee Weinberg fared….

1. So….what are Darkness up to then?

“Everything is perfect! We are highly motivated and we are prepared to bang your heads at our first shows in the summer!”

2. Which album/artist/gig/experience made you first realise you ‘Worshipped’ Metal?

“In 1985 a friend gave me a tape, it was an album called We Have Arrived! I am sure you know the Band!? 😉  1 minute and 39 seconds later my future was (in connection with music) clarified!” [Thrash Metal Legends Dark Angel for those who need prompting – Ed)

3. Name the one album that epitomises Heavy Metal over all others.

Reign in Blood (I know it’s not really “HEAVY” Metal)”

4. Which guilty pleasure album do you listen to the most? Be honest now.

“The Soundtrack of Grease”

5. You have one opportunity to introduce your band to the entire world, which album from your back catalogue do you blast them away with?

Death Squad and the new EP XXIX

6. You find yourselves booked on a mammoth, 12 month, non stop, around the world tour, what 5 essential items do you take with you in order to survive?

“Mp3 player, iPad, Headphones, Lighter and a big pack of Fishermans Friends!”

7. What’s been your most memorable experience on the road?

“1991, after the reunion of East and West Germany, I played with my band Dull a couple of shows in East Germany – was a killer Rock n´Roll trip – everything from the West was super-popular in this time and we were from the west 😉 – so, long story short, 10 of 10 possible points and definitely x-rated”

8. You’re given the chance to handpick the ultimate 4-piece Rock and Metal supergroup (living or deceased). Who’s in the line-up?

“Gene Hoglan, Bill Steer, Peter Steele, Lee Dorian”

9. Hard Rock and Heavy Metal is blatantly the greatest thing ever invented but what’s the second greatest invention of all time?


10. It turns out Ozzy’s luscious long hair is imbued with time-travelling qualities and just one stroke of his lion’s mane can transport you back to any Rock/Metal gig of your choice. Who do you go and see?

“Venom; 1984 at the Hammersmith Odeon”

About Chris Jennings (1996 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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