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Baleful Creed Answer Worship Metal’s 10 Questions Of Biblical Proportions!

Source // Baleful Creed

After catching their bloody marvellous set at this year’s Wildfire Festival if felt entirely appropriate to sling our questions of biblical proportions over the Irish Sea and in Baleful Creed’s general direction. Here’s how the hard rockin’ Norn Iron boys got on….

1. So….what are Baleful Creed up to then?

John Allen (Guitar): “Deep into writing our 2nd album. We have 7 of a targeted 10 songs recorded, so heading into the final straight over the next few months to finalise the last 3 to make it to the album and get them recorded. Then work on artwork and get it released. We are also just back from Wildfire Festival, which was an incredible experience. Awesome festival, very well looked after, it’s a great set up and the crowds were the best ever. Hopefully get back to Scotland and beyond when we get the album released.”

Dave Jeffers (Drums): “On holiday!”

Davy Greer (Bass): “Drinking Bloody Mary’s and illegally downloading”

2. Which album/artist/gig/experience made you first realise you ‘Worshipped’ Metal (and Rock, of course)?

John: “I started with rock by getting into Queen first. A few years later and my best mate lent me the first six Iron Maiden albums, I was sorted on first listen by the debut and Killers and immediately turned into a heavy metaller (without the hair lol).”

Dave: “Status Quo’s Princes Trust gig in Birmingham NEC 82, it was live on TV. Queen! I also liked The Police when I was really young.”

Davy: “If You Want Blood by AC/DC.”

3. Name the one album that epitomises Heavy Metal/Hard Rock over all others.

John: “I think one album that really touches all bases of rock and metal for me – it has such a great mix of songs and pushes into genres probably not created yet – was Queen II. But, I have to cheat and throw in Black Sabbath’s Masters Of Reality as well. That must have seemed so damn heavy when it was released in 1971. I would love to have been a mature listener back in the day when that one landed….instead of still filling my nappies lol”

Dave: “Metallica – Master Of Puppets

Davy: “Led Zeppelin II, worth the entry price for “Whole Lotta Love” and “Heartbreaker”.”

4. Which guilty pleasure album do you listen to the most? Be honest now.

John: “That’s ABBA Gold. In my defence, they influence more bands than you realise, like Black sABBAth.”

Dave: “Too many! I’m into all kinds of music.”

Davy: “Deacon Blue – Raintown

5. You have one opportunity to introduce your band to the entire world, which song do you blast them away with?

Davy: “God’s Fear

John: “Good choice, can’t disagree. Until the 2nd album is released though, I’d refer people back to “Autumn Leaves”.”

Dave: “Faux Celebrity”

6. You find yourselves booked on a mammoth, 12 month, non stop, around the world tour, what 5 essential items do you take with you in order to survive?

John: “Phone to keep in touch, laptop to keep the band’s comms rolling. Fresh trunks, 365 of them I guess. Sleeping tablets if it’s non-stop and a world guide of best beers.”

Dave: My bike, iPad with BBC 4 documentaries and phone, I’d probably get by with that.”

Davy: “4  x Barbara Cartland book and a hat.”

7. What’s been your most memorable on-stage experience?

John: “Definitely playing in the Mandela Hall in Belfast. Biggest venue and stage we have played to date, amazing sound but the response from the crowd was unbelievable, amazing feedback from all folk afterwards and best ever merch sales after one show.”

Dave: “Don’t know, maybe falling off my stool at a pub gig and ending up in the fireplace!”

Davy: “Getting to play on an actual stage once.”

8. You’re given the chance to handpick the ultimate 4-piece Rock and Metal supergroup (living or deceased). Who’s in the line-up?

Davy: “Steve Marriott on vocals, Keith Moon on drums, John Entwhistle on bass and Gary Moore on guitar.”

Dave: “We’ll go with deceased….Freddie Mercury, John Entwhistle, John Bonham and Rory Gallagher. It would probably be rubbish though lol”

John: “John Garcia on vocals, Tony Iommi on guitar, Geddy Lee on bass and Clive Burr on drums.”

9. Hard Rock and Heavy Metal is blatantly the greatest thing ever invented but what’s the second greatest invention of all time?

John: “My reclining sofa”

Dave: “The bicycle”

Davy: “Lasagne”

10. It turns out Ozzy’s luscious long hair is imbued with time-travelling qualities and just one stroke of his lion’s mane can transport you back to any Rock/Metal gig of your choice. Who do you go and see?

John: “I’ll just hang onto Ozzy’s hair then and go back with him to the 1974 California Jam, even if I only see Sabbath at that one….but Deep Purple and The Eagles would also be a bonus to catch.”

Davy: “Toss up between Hendrix and The Who at Woodstock or Hendrix and Free at Isle Of Wight.”

Dave: “Queen – Hammersmith Odeon, 1975 Christmas concert.”

About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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