Unleashed From The Vaults – Slander – Careless Talk Costs Lives
Careless talk costs careers!

A true oddity, Slander were a New Wave Of British Heavy Metal band whose only album (to date) is the underrated Careless Talk Costs Lives, an album that slavishly recreated the iconic sounds of prime NWOBHM in the early 1990’s.
Perhaps intending to kickstart a NWOBHM revival before the sub-genre’s first incarnation had even fully petered out, Slander’s relatively rough, raw and ready sound was purpose built for the Soundhouse….but released a decade too late!
By 1991, the door had been slammed shut on all but the hardiest, most adaptable NWOBHM bands and it was either a bold, courageous move to release an album such as Careless Talk Cost Lives in the early 90’s, or a damn foolhardy one.
Regardless of the decade, Slander were right to have faith in their sound as this is as good a classic sounding NWOBHM album as you could ever wish to stumble across. Filled with a plethora of killer tracks it’s the chug-heavy likes of “On The Run” and the Diamond Head-esque “Fighting Talk” that still punch above their weight. Heads-down bangers weren’t just the order of the day though with “Passion Crimes” channelling that “Remember Tomorrow” feel; a slow burner giving way to a thunderous finale that provided the album with a necessary diversity.
In hindsight, even thrash was under siege in 1991 – with death metal and grunge threatening supremacy – and a new NWOBHM band simply had no chance. It goes without saying, but if Slander had released Careless Talk Costs Lives in the early 80’s they surely would have amounted to way more than a hill of beans.
As it is, they fell into obscurity…..until now!
27 years may have passed but Slander are well and truly back and with a sophomore album under their belt to boot! With original members Andy Saxon-Lamb on guitars and drummer Andy (Eddie) Edwards joined by vocalist Martin Moffwood and twin brothers Ian and Paul Snape on lead and bass guitars respectively, Slander have returned to their original 5 piece, twin lead guitar format.
With the trad metal / NWOBHM renaissance in full flow, timing won’t be a problem this time around and Slander’s Resolution Defiance is set for release on 30th November 2017.
As the saying goes, better late than never!
Other albums covered in our Unleashed From The Vaults Series:
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