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The 5 Technical Death Metal Albums You NEEDED To Hear in 2021 (January-March)

Lovely, lovely tech death....

The first quarter of 2021 is behind us, which means it’s high time we rounded up some of the finer releases of January to March for your dutiful delectation…..

Here are the 5 TECHNICAL DEATH METAL albums – presented in no particular order – released between January 1st and March 31st 2021 that we found the most satisfying! 

We’ve focused on tech death here so if you want straight up death metal, see our other list! No one generally reads these intros but hope that’s cleared things up. 

Blast em!

Fractal Generator – Macrocosmos (Canada)

Released: January 15th 2021 via Everlasting Spew Records

Canadian mentalists Fractal Generator have seriously delivered the goods on sophomore album, Macrocosmos

Here’s the deal. It can be almost impossible to make music as technically adept and sonically devastating as this while remaining both accessible and, most importantly, listenable….but Macrocosmos achieves this with ease!

Without once abandoning death metal’s primal aggression, Fractal Generator managed to construct an intricate work that dodged standard devices while remaining resolutely memorable. 8/10

Werewolves – What A Time To Be Alive [Australia]

Released: January 29th, 2021 via Prosthetic Records

As amusing as they are astonishingly abrasive, these Aussies pull no punches in their desire to both please and provoke, and you believe ’em when they say they’ll happily kill us all. Unsurprisingly, with lyrics that get straight to the fucking point – “I Don’t Like You’ regales us with the brutally effective “If you were the last person on earth, I’d fucking kill us both” – and the music to match, What A Time To Be Alive is as hateful as they come; a seething blast of untethered rage that refuses to deliver anything but the most rancid of rancour!

Apparently, Werewolves’ debut album, The Dead Are Screaming, was conceived and recorded in Australia in mid 2019 and was followed by half the country burning to the ground. This sophomore release was then recorded early 2020 and was immediately followed by a global plague. If these snarling soothsayers dare call their next album Giant Tsunami Wipes Out Half the World’s Population we’re gonna be running for the hills quicker than you can say,’ those darn Werewolves are fucking with us again!’

On a happier note, in the meantime we’re happy to just crank this beast up again. What a time to be alive indeed! 9/10

About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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