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Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard Answer Our 10 Questions Of Biblical Proportions

Source // MWWB

After decreeing Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard as “the finest new doom metal band on the planet” (you can read about that here) we figured the band should answer some questions of biblical proportions!

Here’s how MWWB’s guitarist Paul Davies got on….

1. So….what are Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard up to then?

“We are currently writing our next album for New Heavy Sounds at the moment as well as preparing for our UK tour with All Them Witches and some festival shows in the Spring/Summer.”

2. Which album/artist/gig/experience made you first realise you ‘worshipped’ heavy metal?

“Gotta say it was when me dad bought me Number Of The Beast by Iron Maiden on tape some-time in the 80’s. From the opening riff to “Invaders” I was hooked.”

3. Name the one album that epitomises doom metal over all others.

Forest Of Equilibrium by Cathedral. I bought it on gatefold vinyl when it first came out and even after 25 years it still stands up. It outshines most of the boring, down tuned amp worship ‘doom’ out there today. A classic.”

4. Which guilty pleasure album do you listen to the most? Be honest now!

Endtroducing by DJ Shadow. Its great to drift off to.”

5. You have one opportunity to introduce your band to the entire world, which song do you blast them away with?

“Gotta be Nachthexen. Its 30 minutes long so not the most accessible song. You gotta commit to the fucker! Ha. Seriously though, the whole band is chuffed with it. We wrote it for ourselves (and for our drummer to listen to when he was blitzed ha) and didn’t even think people would even get it let alone buy it! And so far it has blown a few people away. So we are all proud of it.”

6. You find yourselves booked on a mammoth, 12 month, non-stop, around the world tour. What 5 essential items do you take with you in order to survive?

“Books/Comics. (Books: Non Fiction (War/History) Comics: Anything by Grant Morrison, Brian Azzerello or Warren Ellis)

Licorice/White Cigarette Papers (depending on contents on hand rolled cigarette)

The complete works of Fabio Frizzi and John Carpenter

A Kitten (for Jess)

Trainers (Adidas Originals or Puma. Minimum 3 pairs per band member)”

7. What’s been your most memorable stage/tour experience to date?

“Gonna have to say the first ever Mammoth gig we did. Wez (2nd Guitarist) couldn’t do it so it was only me Jess and Carrat. It was 6 o clock, day light but we had a big crowd. We were nervous but went mental and so did the crowd! After that we knew we had something.”

8. You’re given the chance to handpick the ultimate 4-piece doom metal supergroup (living or deceased). Who’s in the line-up?

“The four members of Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard! Ha!”

9. Hard Rock & Heavy Metal is blatantly the greatest thing ever invented but what’s the second greatest invention of all time?

“Chocolate Milk”

10. It turns out Ozzy’s luscious long hair is imbued with time-travelling qualities and just one stroke of his lion’s mane can transport you back to any rock/metal gig of your choice. Who do you go and see?

“I would say Cathedral and Sleep in a working man’s club in Wrexham 1993. I was actually at that gig but was tripping so I can only remember weird shit about it. Would be good to appreciate those bands live at the beginning of their career in such a small venue.”

Debut album Noeth Ac Anoeth is out now on New Heavy Sounds.

You can catch Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard live at these upcoming UK Shows:

Sun 28th Feb, London, The Lexington (with All Them Witches)
Mon 29th Feb, Manchester, Gullivers (with All Them Witches)
Tue 1st Mar, Glasgow, King Tuts (with All Them Witches)
Wed 2nd Mar, London, The Lexington (with All Them Witches)
Sat 5th Mar, Manchester, Star and Garter (Tombstone All Dayer)


About Chris Jennings (1996 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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