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Is It Time To Cut Anthrax’s Stomp 442 Some Slack?


This second release from the John Bush-era was pretty much universally panned by the mainstream heavy metal press and quickly sunk without a trace. But was it really the death knell of the mighty Anthrax’s career that many would deem it to be? Our answer to that is a resounding fuck no!

From tracks one to ten, Stomp 442 was (and still is) a full-on, straight-up, heavy metal monster which didn’t mess around. From the bilious rage of opener “Random Acts Of Senseless Violence” – a bone-breaker that still hits remorselessly hard – to the mid paced stacatto riffing of “In A Zone” and “Nothing”, which boasts a chorus as catchy as a dose of herpes, this is an outstanding effort from a band who adapted incredibly well to the changes of the 90’s.

In fact, if “Nothing” had been released by Metallica it would still be played in rock clubs around the world, but – just like every other track on Stomp 442 – it remains virtually ignored. Sacrilege!

From Scott Ian’s stomping riffs to the authoritative roar of John Bush, Stomp 442 had all the necessary ingredients to be a success but somehow it never happened. Blame can be laid at the door of a pervasive grunge scene, and/or the burgeoning nu metal contingent that were up and coming but, either way, Stomp 442 is an album that deserves a second chance….even if it is nearly 30 years after the fact!

Also in this Series:

Is It Time To Cut Metallica’s St. Anger Some Slack?

Is It Time To Cut Megadeth’s Risk Album Some Slack?

Is It Time To Cut Sabbat’s Mourning Has Broken Some Slack?

Is It Time To Cut Saxon’s Destiny Some Slack?

Is It Time To Cut Onslaught’s In Search Of Sanity Some Slack?

Is It Time To Cut Paradise Lost’s Host Some Slack?

About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

1 Comment on Is It Time To Cut Anthrax’s Stomp 442 Some Slack?

  1. Couldn’t agree more. Stomp 442 is a mighty album. For some reason I cannot find it on Spotify though – I have tried many times! If you haven’t listened tot his you need to – it’s brilliant.

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