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Dead Town Nothing – Make Some Noise Campaign For The NSPCC

A great band, a greater cause....

Source // DeadTownNothing

From today, Isle Of Wight’s Hardcore heroes Dead Town Nothing are launching the MAKE SOME NOISE campaign and this is one noise you’ll really want to hear!

The band will be hitting the studio on July 9th 2015 to write and record a single in just one day which will be available via Download and CD. Anyone who downloads or buys a copy of the single on CD will be donating to the NSPCC, to help raise awareness and to help support children who are suffering as a result of child abuse. Skinny Mammoth Studios on the Isle of Wight are very kindly supporting this campaign and have donated a days studio time as well as support from their management – West Management – based in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Dead Town Nothing put some context behind the process: “For us this is something of a challenge to really test our music, the exciting thing is we don’t even know what will happen, or where we will take the song, or even its name! It will be a completely organic process and at the same time help a charity that we feel strongly about. Is enough really being done to support children who are day in and day out suffering at the hands of abusers?”

The single will be available to download through a dedicated Bandcamp page. Pre-orders on the Download version is now live and if you donate through Dead Town Nothing’s Just Giving Page you will recieve a copy of the single on CD! So, make sure to leave your name and email address so they can contact you.

Whatever format you choose, every last penny will directly go to the NSPCC and every penny helps!

“We hope people will get behind this and support what we are doing and remember, by purchasing the song through donating to the NSPCC you are helping us raise awareness”

To make a Download donation please visit: deadtownnothing.bandcamp.com.

Or, if you’d prefer the CD version then donate through: www.justgiving.com/deadtownnothingcharitysingle.

And remember, if you are going for the CD then please remember to leave a name and email address.

Finally, Dead Town Nothing have this to say:

“Please share this anywhere you can and remember to use #MAKESOMENOISE to show your support”…..

……we will, lads, you can count on it! A noble cause from a band willing to put their reputation on the line for something they truly believe in. \m/

For more info go direct to Dead Town Nothing’s Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/deadtownnothing

Dead Town Nothing NSPCC



About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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