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30 Incredible Metal Albums That Turn 30 Years Old In 2016

27. Elixir – The Son Of Odin 

Source // images.cdbaby.name

Source // images.cdbaby.name

Almost eschewing the influence of the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal entirely, Elixir favoured a more conventionally classic metal sound on The Son Of Odin that raged and pounded with the best of them.

While the ‘Maiden’ effect still loomed large – check out the irresistable gallop of “Treachery (Ride Like The Wind)” – Elixir had their own sound; categorised by a forlorn atmosphere, power-metal dynamics and the robust vocals of Paul Taylor (still in action incidentally, we encourage you to check out the metallic might of Midnight Messiah).

Another cult classic that deserves re-evaluation, Elixir’s The Son Of Odin may have been a victim of thrash metal’s dominance (if this had been released just two years earlier Elixir would probably have become a household name) but that’s no excuse for ignoring it now!

26. Destruction – Eternal Devastation

Source // metalised.files.wordpress.com

Source // metalised.files.wordpress.com

Hot on the tails of the US thrash elite were Germany’s own teutonic terror’s and Destruction’s Eternal Devastation was a bestial invasion that let the world know that the Germans were coming!

Perhaps not quite hitting the heights of 1985’s Infernal Overkill, Destruction were still conjuring greatness and classic thrashers can be found here. From the all-time great that is “Curse The Gods” to the still surprising folk-thrash opening of “United By Hatred” and the air-raid siren soloing of “Life Without Sense”, Destruction sounded confident, brash and capable of anything on only their second full length release.

Early European thrash that consolidated Germany’s importance alongside the Bay Area acts, Eternal Devastation remains beloved by thrash fans the world over and for bloody good reason; it’s as devastating as ever.

25. Motörhead – Orgasmatron

Source // cdn.discogs.com

Source // cdn.discogs.com

The first full length Motörhead album to feature Phil Campbell, Würzel and Pete Gill alongside the ubiquitous Lemmy Kilmeister, Orgasmatron saw a welcome return to the more pile-driving rock sound for which the band had made their name.

“Nothing Up My Sleeve” felt like another welcome re-working of “Ace Of Spades”, opener “Deaf Forever” was a hard rockin’ slap around the face and the title track remains one of the most distinctive Motörhead anthems ever recorded. Sonically devastating, the chugging relentless riffing and distorted vocals of “Orgasmatron” was way ahead of it’s time and the fledgling world of extreme metal was certainly listening; Lemmy had just paved the way for an aural onslaught that still echoes throughout the genre.

About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

27 Comments on 30 Incredible Metal Albums That Turn 30 Years Old In 2016

  1. Awaken the Guardian? Rage for Order?

  2. Chris Jennings // February 28, 2016 at 8:01 am // Reply

    No room for ’em! Still quality though 🙂 \m/

  3. Apart from my favorite uberclassics, most of which are in the list:

    Whiplash – Power and Pain
    Fates Warning – Awaken the Guardian (fave FW)
    Queensryche – Rage for Order
    these three should have been in the list!

    Hallows Eve – Death and Insanity (D-I-E!)
    Sentinel Beast – Depth of Death (CORPSE!)
    Omen (Teeth of the Hyyydraaaa), Sacrifice, Helstar, Stormwitch (their best too)…

  4. Chris Jennings // February 28, 2016 at 4:19 pm // Reply

    Power And Pain was 1985 I believe but fair play on the others Vic \m/

  5. That list makes me feel old…..

  6. Fates Warning’s “Awaken the Guardian” should most definitely be included. Personally, I would say top 5 even.

  7. Great list, but I’d have put Sodom’s “Obsessed By Cruelty” in there, at least in the lower reaches.

    • Chris Jennings // March 2, 2016 at 8:42 pm // Reply

      A primitive black-thrash cult classic but not sure what we would have left out to include it!

  8. Bloodpoole // March 1, 2016 at 10:22 pm // Reply

    Fates Warning – “Awaken the Guardian??”

  9. Still I was only 6 at the time, I’ve been introduced to trash/hardcore/crossover/métal by my dad’s friends with Attitude Adjustment Américan Paranoïa at the âge of 10. It all began there followed by Crumbsuckers,Cro-mags, Slayer, Metallica, Sepultura etc. Thank you for this awesome list and to mention Sword and Voïvod

  10. Greg Baltzer // March 2, 2016 at 3:39 am // Reply

    You deservedly left off Judas Priest – Turbo lol. I would have added Sodom – Obsessed by Cruelty, Samhain – November Coming Fire(kind of a crossover album), Ozzy – Ultimate Sin(a lot better that Bark at the Moon, and No Rest for the Wicked, and Cryptic Slaughter – Convicted.

    • Chris Jennings // March 2, 2016 at 6:57 pm // Reply

      Yep, no Turbo here….not Priest’s finest hour by any means! Ironically, all but Samhain’s November Coming Fire were on the original short list but fell victim to the cull.

  11. I’ll add to the Awaken the Guardian mention and add Satan’s Host-Metal From Hell and Manilla Road-The Deluge.

    • Chris Jennings // March 3, 2016 at 7:37 am // Reply

      Damn that Awaken The Guardian! That’s going to haunt us! Nice shout with Manilla Road, a great album. Satan’s Host, completely forgot about them…..gonna dig that one out \m/

  12. legitimized metal as an art form on a mainstream level. Remember that 1986 was the era of bloated hair bands, and here came this total blast of energy and aggression — a pure thrash album in every sense. But aside from its power,

  13. Savage Grace – Master Of Disguise, Ratt – Dancing Undercover, Deathrow – Riders Of Doom, Assassin – The Upcoming Terror to name a few.

  14. Rob Raymakers // November 1, 2016 at 8:49 pm // Reply

    where is Queensrijche’s rage for order???

  15. It’s Doomsday FOR The Deceiver

  16. Aaadabaadab // June 18, 2017 at 1:26 pm // Reply

    Nuclear assault’s hang the pope sounds like grindcore because of how fast the vocals are AND its a full speed song

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