Storm Dennis very nearly curtailed our efforts to attend HRH Metal’s 4th shindig at Birmingham’s O2 Academy but we made it, a little late, a little windswept, but [...]
Hailing from the North West of England, the name XENTRIX should echo in the minds of anyone who considers themselves a true connoisseur of thrash…..UK or otherwise! [...]
Considering the UK invented heavy metal, it’s always frustrating to reflect on how ‘seemingly’ unsuccessful we were at thrash metal! Predominantly an American [...]
At Worship Metal we love to celebrate great music….but what about the terrible albums, those abominations that most great bands seem to have at least one of in their [...]
After a great response to our 12 Albums That Kept Thrash Alive In The 90’s feature, it felt necessary to right a few wrongs, give a shout-out to the albums we had [...]
Xentrix, once the brightest hopes in UK thrash, took to Facebook yesterday to announce some huge news regarding their future: “We’re Back! It’s been a while since we [...]
2015 marks the year of the comeback album as Worship Metal counts-down 6 of the most important bands to re-group and release new material this year. Whether your tastes lie [...]
Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, just like all genres, has had its fair share of peaks and troughs in popularity over the years but it’s fair to say that we are currently [...]
Considering the UK invented heavy metal, it’s always frustrating to reflect on how seemingly unsuccessful we were at thrash metal! Predominantly an American phenomenon [...]