Gruesome – Dimensions Of Horror – EP Review
Dimensions of death....

Remember the first time you heard Death’s game-changing Scream Bloody Gore? Well, Gruesome are back again to help you relive those glory days when death metal was still in its stripped down brutal infancy and the future was yet to be written!
Everything about Dimensions Of Horror, the follow up to last years well received Savage Land, positively reeks of the old-school. The artwork here is handled by the one and only Mr Edward J. Repka – so, just like back in the day, the cover art alone sells the record – and the production is perfectly low-key, sounding as if this was recorded back in 1987 with good old Randy Burns at the helm. Even the CD booklet has “Printed in West Germany” on it; older than old-school!
Musically, Dimension Of Horror is a delicious blend of Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy, with a hint of Pestilence thrown in for good measure. As like many of the early death metal albums, what makes this record so damn good is how extremely and effortlessly catchy it is. Simple but infectious riffs are the order of the day here and, after a few spins, you’ll have these songs stuck in your head for days! The best song on offer is the title track itself, with it’s many twists and turns and, if you listen carefully, you’ll pick out a cheeky old-school nod to the mighty Annihilator as well. Nice.
There are some haters out there that say this band cut too close to the bone (so to speak) and that they’re nothing more than a Death tribute band. Well, we disagree. This is pure, simple, unadulterated Death worship….there is a difference!!
We’re sure Evil Chuck would be proud and in the words of the great man himself, “Let the metal flow!” 8/10
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