Grog – Macabre Requiems – Album Reissue Review
In Grog They Grind!

Originally released in 1996 but out of print for many years, Macabre Requiems was the grand culmination of Grog‘s hard work during the early ’90s. One of the very first extreme metal bands to hail from Portugal, and thereby influencing generations to come, Grog’s brutal death metal meets grindcore sounds erupted like sputum from a freshly diseased zombie’s respiratory tract, gargled forth from 4 minds who revelled in filth and who longed to establish a new national standard in heaviness and speed!
Featuring 43 minutes of ungodly death-grind, Macabre Requiems retains its ability to shock via a succinct set of tracks which run the gamut of extreme metal influences. From the 45 second blast of the self-explanatory “Cannibalistic Devourment” to the lengthier grind of “Dawn Of The Living Dead”, Grog’s ability to conjure abject horror from all manner of grisly, ghastly noises is as effective as ever and just as morbidly seductive.
The past is always alive and, at long last, Grog’s Macabre Requiems lives via this long overdue CD & Cassette re-release. 7/10
Grog‘s Macabre Requiems is due for re-release on 11th November, 2022 via Helldprod Records.

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