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Eversin – Trinity: The Annihilation – Album Review

Eversin annihilate your ears with a production claustrophobic enough to trigger a panic attack!

Source // metal-archives.com

Eversin’s progressively minded thrash/power metal 3rd album, Trinity: The Annihilation, is an intriguingly mixed bag of styles, quality, performance and production and immediate impressions aren’t great. With the first two tracks stifled by an overall murky production and an incoherent feel, a palpable intensity is evident but the tracks just don’t quite hit home. It’s only with the relatively streamlined “Chaosborn” and “We Will Prevail” – featuring a guest spot from Glen Alvelais (Forbidden/Testament) – that Eversin’s skill starts to shine through. When they settle into a groove, the aural detonation of the claustrophobic production is alleviated by lead-heavy machine-like riffing and rhythms and identifiable choruses that massively work in Eversin’s favour. 

Featuring political diatribes and indictments of modern practices, Eversin’s amalgamation of early Sepultura, the modern death/thrash of Testament and the power metal bombast of Enlighten The Darkness era Angel Dust is a thrilling experience when the songs are given room to breathe. If the aim was to create the aural equivalent of a third world war then you can argue that Eversin were entirely successful. Each track feels like a Panzer attack but this comes with mixed results. For every “Crown Of Nails” – a low-point that fails to ignite any kind of fire in your belly – there’s a “Beneath An Atomic Sun” to save the day, rumbling through your guts like a thousand tanks levelling a city.

Finishing on a high, “Trinity” begins like an Ill Niño nu-metal rip off from the early 00’s before ascending into a pummelling Thrash attack, Kreator style! A total rug-pull moment that sums up the whole album; moments confuse, moments annoy and yet moments also get the blood-pumping furiously with some scintillatingly powerful thrash. Eversin can write riffs and they have an impressively commanding sound of their own, they just need to fine tune that production and concentrate on bludgeoning the listener without disorientating them along the way! 7/10

About Chris Jennings (1996 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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