Cianide – Unhumanized – EP Review
Death, doom, destruction: 31 years strong, CIANIDE have become Unhumanized!

A true cult act, these underground darlings of American death metal have stuck rigidly to their guns for over 30 years, patiently building a canon of work that’s renowned for its consistency, trend-free philosophy and primitive attack. Cianide are simply a death metal band who’ve always dwelled in the netherworld, a band who occasionally feel the need to drag forth their intoxicating blend of death metal and doom metal into the realm of the living….and Unhumanized is Cianide’s latest exercise in blunt force trauma to see the light of day!
A lumpen, malformed shape of a mini-album (or EP, your choice) which deliberately deconstructs today’s obsession with technicality, these 5 tracks simply grind and growl their way through classic 90’s death metal brutality. Here lies the most neanderthal, bare-boned death/doom riffs imaginable, plodding through endless eviscerated carcasses strewn across the infernal sea as Satan laughing, spreads his death/doom lovin’ wings!
Suffocatingly dank and deliciously depressing, this latest act of primal catharsis has the power to bludgeon you senseless with bursts of fleeting speed offering precious little respite from the ultra-heavy dirge which surrounds it.
Classic Cianide. 8/10
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