Cerebral Fix – Disaster Of Reality – Album Review

The world must be in a pretty bad way to warrant the return of Cerebral Fix as these underground crust-punk/thrash legends have a habit of churning up the filth and muck that blight our lands. However, with a 24(!) year gap between records and a world constantly at war with itself, the time is most certainly right to welcome them back to the UK thrash fold!
Surprisingly, Cerebral Fix in 2016 have all but ditched the thrash of 90’s cult classics Tower Of Spite, Bastards and Death Erotica and are far more in tune with their crust-punk meets proto-grindcore debut Life Sucks…And Then You Die! Seriously heavy on the punk, the brute force and nihilistic nature of these 12 tracks prove surprisingly vicious, although there is a vein of typically British humour running throughout.
While they were never the fastest act on the UK scene Cerebral Fix were the dirtiest and that raw grit is ever-present on Disaster Of Reality. Bad-tempered and as spiteful as ever, their return all but completes the puzzle put into place with the relatively recent revival of Onslaught, Anihilated, Sacrilege, Acid Reign and Lawnmower Deth etc; signalling a healthy rebirth for UK underground metal in general!
Barely pausing for breath, Disaster Of Reality is shockingly minimalist, as abrasive as a strip-down wash with wire wool and – opener “Justify” aside – constructed with short, sharp, savage shocks to the system (corrupt or otherwise). Fuck variation, Cerebral Fix are back to thrash your crossover tits clean off and, as expected, they succeed admirably in achieving exactly that. Ugly music for ugly times. 8/10
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