AC/DC – Wembley Stadium, UK – July 4, 2015
Let There Be Rock!

Nothing less than an ‘event’, AC/DC at Wembley Stadium could also be considered a pilgrimage for many Rock and Metal fans as few bands can draw such a wide and diverse audience – we clocked an approximate age range of 7 to 70 – as the living legends that are AC/DC!
Tasked with the intimidating job of warming up the crowd were L.A. Rockabilly-Blues merchants Vintage Trouble [5] who may channel the spirit of James Brown and Chuck Berry but have virtually none of the stage presence. Call them mismatched maybe but AC/DC’s support band should be immense, Vintage Trouble were practically insignificant.
Regardless, 80,000 people were sweltering in Wembley Stadium for one reason and one reason only; AC/DC [8]. 40+ years into a career that has seen these Antipodean antagonists Rock their way around the world more times than they can probably remember, they’d be forgiven for dialing back a little on the spectacle but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. With a stage set that threatened to dwarf the stadium itself, Brian, Angus, Cliff, Chris Slade and Stevie Young stormed the stage with the robust title track of their latest album Rock Or Bust and they proceeded to power through hit after hit, the sea of people assembled before the stage singing, swaying and utterly captivated by highlights “Shoot To Thrill”, “Back In Black”, “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap”, “Thunderstruck”, “Rock ’N’ Roll Train”, “Whole Lotta Rosie”, “You Shook Me All Night Long”, “Let There Be Rock”, “Highway To Hell” and set closer “For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)”, cannons included!
The boys may be ageing – Brian Johnson’s voice showing understandable signs of wear and tear at times – but there are precious few bands on the planet who can match the intensity of AC/DC’s performance and the depth and quality of their back catalogue. We said it once , we’ll say it again; legends.
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