Post-Black Metallers DEADLY CARNAGE Release Video For New Track “Ifene” – WATCH NOW!
Sure, their name conjures images of a gnarly, old-school death metal band but Deadly Carnage should actually appeal to fans of Alcest, Les Discrets, Agalloch, Amesoeurs, Deafheaven, Myrkur, Show me a Dinosaur & Ghost Bath.
Deadly Carnage were born in 2005 and after initially dabbling in blackened thrash, the intentions of the band began to change with their sounds becoming more atmospheric and introspective.
In 2007, Deadly Carnage began a slow shift away from the black metal scene in favour of doom, post-rock and post-metal influences…..culminating in the release of Manthe in 2014, and the release of their latest album, Through The Void, Above The Suns, back in March.
Taken from from the band’s new album Through The Void, Above The Suns, “Ifene” marks the moment in which these Italian post black metal miscreants have truly come of age.
Check it out NOW!
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