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Chronic Hangover Answer Worship Metal’s 10 Questions Of Biblical Proportions!

Source // Chronic Hangover

When they’re not sleeping off a chronic hangover, Italian stoner/doom/psych rockers Chronic Hangover answer questions…..here’s ours:

So….what are you up to then?

“Hi everybody! Chronic Hangover nowadays are up to promote “Nero Inferno Italiano” as hard as we can with new merch and new gigs around! Then we’ll buy a yacht and go living in international waters with the billions of dollars earned with our music!”

Which album/artist/gig/experience made you first realise you ‘Worshipped’ Metal?

“I can tell you that I surely ‘heard the calling’ during the reunion show of Black Sabbath in 1998. In that moment I said to myself, I’ll never quit with this stuff!”

Name the one album that epitomises heavy metal/hard rock over all others.

“Ok, here comes the hard questions! I choose to name Rising by Rainbow. In case somebody never checked that out, please stop everything you’re doing, find that album and play it for 24 hours in a row. I’m sure you’re going to appreciate it.”

Which 5 metal albums have had the biggest influence on your sound?

“Stuff like Electric Wizard’s Dopethrone or Priest’s British Steel. Let’s put in also Powertrip by Monster Magnet and The Church Within by The Obsessed. Mix it up with Fu Manchu’s King Of The Road but I can name a lot of other different stuff that we carefully listened to back in the day.”

You have one opportunity to introduce your band to the entire world, which song from your back catalogue do you blast them away with?

“Surely the most hypnotic and catchy, “Tossine”. We are working on a video for that song!”

You find yourselves booked on a mammoth, 12 month, non-stop, around the world tour. Which 5 essential items do you take with you in order to survive?

“Some weed, a couple of books to be inspired by, a device with some relaxing music loaded in, my AniMoog to play some music with and some more weed, just to be safe.”

What’s been your most memorable experience on the road?

“Probably the most funny time was at the Hariel Fest in Latina (not far from Roma) when we met a lot of remarkable people; including the guys from the band Il Malpertugio and their mighty wine. We got wasted as hell that night.”

You’re given the chance to handpick the ultimate 4-piece rock and metal supergroup (living or deceased). Who’s in the line-up?

“Lemmy would be the very first one to call, no doubt. Bass and backing vocals. Then as frontman there was none better in the world than Lux Interior (The Cramps). On guitar, Eddie Van Halen could be the right guy. To complete a solid ensemble, let’s call Charlie Benante on drums.”

Hard rock and heavy metal is blatantly the greatest thing ever invented but what’s the second greatest invention of all time?


It turns out Ozzy’s luscious long hair is imbued with time-travelling qualities and just one stroke of his lion’s mane can transport you back to any rock/metal gig of your choice. Who do you go and see?

“Probably some Grateful Dead Acid Test and then tryin’ to get on board their psychedelic bus full of merry pranksters!”

Chronic Hangover’s latest release, Nero Inferno Italiano, was released on November 11th 2016.

Check it out here!

Chronic Hangover

About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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