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The 5 Metal Albums You Needed To Hear Last Week (1st January – 7th January 2021)

2021 has begun! Here’s the 5 metal albums you needed to hear this week (1st January – 7th January 2021)….

Celestial Swarm – Gateways to the Necroverse

Where: Australia/France/United States

Genre: Black / Death Metal

Released: Independently on January 4th 2021

Recommended track: The multi-faceted onslaught of “The Harvesters” is a demonic black-hole of broiling fury.

Home to the kind of swarming mass of blackened death metal noise that leaves you questioning the reliability of your own underpants, International collective Celestial Swarm’s debut full length album, Gateways to the Necroverse, is not for the feint of heart but should appeal to those enamoured with the thundering sounds of hellish rage. 7/10



Death Kommander – Pro Patria Mori

Where: Scotland

Genre: Death Metal / War-Themed Death Metal

Released: January 1st 2021 via Warhorn Records

Recommended track: Face down the oncoming storm of “The March”….if you dare!

The deathly grind of Death Kommander is a throwback to the glory days of old-school UK death metal in the vein of Bolt Thrower and Benediction. While not quite hitting the terrifying grooves of either band, there’s still much to enjoy here as Death Kommander go about trampling you under foot as they march, defiantly, toward victory! 6/10

Includes guest appearances by Patrick “Frugi” Hersche from Messiah and Tony “Demolition Man” Dolan from Venom Inc.



Gates of Doom – Aquileia Mater Aeterna

Where: Italy

Genre: Epic Death / Black Metal / Melodic Blackened Death Metal

Released: January 6th 2021 via Cult of Parthenope

Recommended track: The sprawling 7 minutes of opener “Sulcus Primigenius / Under the Sign of the Eagle” tells you all you need to know.

Gates of Doom‘s debut full length album, Aquileia Mater Aeterna, is a concept album focused on the friulian city of Aquileia, from its foundation by the Romans in 181 B.C. to its destruction in 452 A.D. at the hands of Attila, King of the Huns.

As history lessons go, Aquileia Mater Aeterna offers up a feast for the senses as Gates of Doom use every tool in the blackened death metal box to bring the hideous barbarity of the past back to life! 8/10



Koza – Calcification Of The Human Ghost

Where: USA

Genre: Sludge Metal

Released: Independently on January 1st 2021

Recommended track: The whole thing is a painful experience from start to finish. So, saddle up buttercup, and just go along for the ride!

A muddy production may rob Calcification of the Human Ghost of some of its power but what remains is as caustic as they come. True sludge led by the gargled-glass-growls of Brooks Rose, Koza‘s unhinged brutality will ravage every part of your delicate psyche…..and that’s just for starters! 7/10



Transilvania – Of Sleep And Death

Where: Austria

Genre: Black / Thrash Metal

Released: January 1st 2021 via Invictus Productions

Like ancient souls arising from their slumber, antediluvian Austrian blackened thrashers Transilvania re-emerge from the crypt, ready to unfurl their black-leather wings once more.

Brimming with equal amounts of magick, malice, mysticism and metal, Of Sleep and Death perfectly blends Storm of the Light’s Bane-era Dissection and early Emperor with Ancient God of Evil-era Unanimated and a whole lot of classic Nifelheim, Tormentor and Mercyful Fate! 7/10

***A full Worship Metal review of Transilvania’s Of Sleep and Death is in the works***


About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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