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MuckRaker Answer Our 10 Questions Of Biblical Proportions

Things could get mucky....

Source // www.eternalsoundrecordsshop.bigcartel.com

MuckRaker’s Karmageddon finally saw a European release at the end of January and anyone with a penchant for filthy, riffed-up, beered-up, heavy metal stompers will know it contained the finest set of massive tunes this side of the last Clutch album!

So, what better time to throw some questions of biblical proportions their way…..

1. So….what are Muckraker up to then?

Will Price (Bassist and Lead Voice for MuckRaker) – “Been doing some short tours. Also writing our next album. We have also been holding regular staff meetings that I like to call “Magazine Interview Questions: Do’s And Don’ts”.

2. Which album/artist/gig/experience made you first realise you ‘worshipped’ heavy metal?

“For metal, I would have to say Black Sabbath’s Master Of Reality. I also grew up on a lot of Rush, Lynyrd Skynyrd and AC/DC. When I was 10 I saw Kenny Rodgers but that turned me into a gambleholic…so I entered a 3 minute long rehab which cost me 10’s of bit coins.”

3. Name the one album that epitomises metal over all others.

“Thanks yous fors the tricks question. Dethklok’s Dethalbum.”

4. Which guilty pleasure album do you listen to the most? Be honest now!

“Honestly, I don’t have one. So I’ll make one up…MuckRaker’s “Magazine Interview Questions: Do’s And Don’ts”.

5. You have one opportunity to introduce your band to the entire world, which song do you blast them away with?

“Rise Of The Loggerheads”. It is literally about the tea bagger party.”

6. You find yourselves booked on a mammoth, 12 month, non-stop, around the world tour. What 5 essential items do you take with you in order to survive?

“My girl’s mouth, her ass, her tits, her vagina and my phone.”

7. What’s been your most memorable stage/tour experience to date?

“That would have been with my last band Boiler (Mayhem Records). We opened for Dio once. That is something that I will NEVER forget.”

8. You’re given the chance to handpick the ultimate 4-piece rock/metal supergroup (living or deceased). Who’s in the line-up?

“Tony Iommi, Neil Peart and me. Sorry, I have always been in a 3-piece.”

9. Hard Rock & Heavy Metal is blatantly the greatest thing ever invented but what’s the second greatest invention of all time?


10. It turns out Ozzy’s luscious long hair is imbued with time-travelling qualities and just one stroke of his lion’s mane can transport you back to any rock/metal gig of your choice. Who do you go and see?

“The very first jam ever. The cavemen who started banging on rocks with sticks and shit. I could take them aside and tell them that they did a great thing, but also warn them that some of what they are doing would eventually lead to Justin Beiber and they should stop that tout suite.”

About Chris Jennings (1997 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

2 Comments on MuckRaker Answer Our 10 Questions Of Biblical Proportions

  1. I worship Worship Metal!!!

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