5 Frontmen Who Deserve Way More Respect!
Give these guys a break will ya!
John Bush – Anthrax
John Bush‘s time in Anthrax seems to be met with mixed feelings. Those who embraced Anthrax’s modifications in the 90’s appreciate Bush’s sublime contribution, his gravelly tones substituting for Joey Belladoona’s histrionics and transforming Anthrax into a darker, more aggressive modern metal outfit.
In contrast, there are those who never forgave Anthrax for ditching the pure thrash of the 80’s…..and much of the blame was aimed squarely at John Bush.
Fans seemingly clamoured for the return of Belladonna (and they would eventually get their wish) but to erase John Bush’s output would be to disregard at least three stone-cold classic albums; the relentlessly pummelling Sound Of White Noise, the severely underrated Stomp 442 and 2003’s colossal We’ve Come For You All. Evidently, the results of John Bush’s tenure were genuinely stunning…..if you were willing to embrace the change.
Plus, regardless of the decade of release, “Only” is one of the perfect metal songs and that’s primarily down to John Bush’s outstanding delivery!
Not forgetting, his consistently impressive work with the forever underrated Armored Saint, a band who’ve been flying the flag for heavy fuckin’ metal since 1982!
Derrick is amazing. Specially if you compare him and Max nowadays. Max lives of his own shadow, while Derrick is getting better and better
Couldn’t agree more!
I’ve been a great proponent for the two sides, pro-Max and pro-Derrick, to just enjoy the music of Sepultura, acknowledging the talent and effort these guys put in year after year releasing great records. That task proved impossible because of narrow-minded people and in particular Max with his dumb statements. That guy is a shit vocalist, shit guitarist and an even shittier person.
I think you’ve hit the nail hard on the head there!
I really like the new Sepultura, especially their last two albums. But I just can’t put up with Derrick Green performing live. Just like Max, he’s been losing his voice over time.
Saw Sepultura a short while ago and Derrick sounded massive! \m/
I’m sorry, Blaze Bailey is the worst Maiden singer out of the three. I’m more than OK with Derrick on Sepultura, I think Tim Owens is great singer, I like John Bush especially with Armored Saint, but I never did like Bailey’s voice. I think it lacks power and volume. And I’m not saying that comparing him with Dickinson. I’ve seen him live in 93 I believe. He didn’t impress me. That’s just my opinion.
Valid point and your opinion is always valid. As you can probably tell, this wasn’t about ranking the Maiden vocalists per se, just highlighting the fact that Blaze Bayley deserves more credit for taking on a very difficult role as replacement for Bruce. Thanks for reading and commenting \m/
Without the cavalera’s that band is just the best sepultura’s covers band…
Not true at all. Machine Messiah is an incredible album and one in a long line of outstanding releases from Sepultura. Yes, they play Max-era songs, why shouldn’t they, but to dismiss 8(!) original albums is ridiculous and hardly warrants them being referred to as a covers band! Anyway, it’s good to debate so thanks for reading and commenting \m/
I would add Tony Martin (Sabbath), Andy Deris (Helloween)& Robert Lowe(Candlemass). Ripper is a great frontman and he definitely is underrated.
Yes! Nice suggestions….a follow-up feature is required! \m/
Great article! Massive fan of both Tim and Blaze. Also would have to mention Tony Martin, absolutely phenomenal voice and for me, as much as i love Blaze, would have been the perfect fit for Maiden when Bruce left. Cross Purposes is my favourite Sabbath album.
Cheers Phil! You’re right, Tony Martin is more than worthy of a mention and a follow-up feature is necessary!
Tony Martin! A man who sang on 5 black sabbath records and has done more than 10 albums solo and w different projects before & after! Dio made 4 studio CDs with Sabbath (one under a different name). Tony made 5. Eternal Idol, Headless Cross, Tyr, Cross Purposes, Forbidden
(props to this piece tho. I agree. Super cool to name the Ripper twice!)