Second albums. Difficult for some. But not for these talented bastards. And remember, this is just Part 1….there’s more in this series to come! Presented in order [...]
Iconic thrash that turned an eye-watering 35(!) years of age in 2023….are you feeling old yet??!! Megadeth – So Far, So Good… So What! Renowned for being [...]
Second albums. Difficult for some. But not for these talented bastards. Presented in order of release as opposed to any kind of ranking…. Metallica – Ride The [...]
There are already a million identikit reviews of Metallica’s 72 Seasons floating around in internet-land so we’ve simply cut to the chase and answered the [...]
Happy 35th birthday you beautiful bastards….. Anacrusis – Suffering Hour [USA] Genre: Progressive Thrash The only album in Anacrusis‘ formidable back [...]
25 albums that made 1986 one of the greatest years in thrash metal history (listed in alphabetical order, not importance)….. Angel Dust – Into The Dark Past [Germany] [...]
Metallica’s Kirk Hammett is set to release Portals, a solo EP, on Record Store Day (Saturday, April 23, 2022). This will mark the first-ever time in Metallica history that [...]
Greatness is imminent, as Tobias Forge is set to take Ghost to the pinnacle of the Metal Mountain with Impera and, Lucifer willing, save broader culture from itself. It won’t be a minute too soon. [...]
1986. The greatest year in thrash history? Arguably so. We all know that the big guns released seminal albums in ’86 but there was also a slew of quality releases from [...]