Forget The Big 4 and their million selling behemoths, these 25 cult American thrash albums were equally as accomplished, equally as ferocious and equally as groundbreaking [...]
While Heathen have hardly been prolific over their near 40 year career, what remains clear is that the old adage of quality over quantity rings true in [...]
Don’t panic….there’s neither a Black Album or Countdown to Extinction in sight! Heathen – Breaking The Silence (1987) [USA] With the progressive / [...]
Forget The Big 4 and their million selling behemoths, these 25 cult American thrash albums were equally as accomplished, equally as ferocious and equally as groundbreaking [...]
Sure, The Big 4 released some of the greatest thrash metal albums ever recorded but what of those American thrash albums that fell largely by the wayside, those albums [...]
In 2020, the old-guard of thrash were out in force and reminding the new pups just how this thrash shit is really done! Worship Metal’s 5 Greatest Releases From [...]
As far as Bay Area thrash goes, Heathen always seemed to get a bum deal. Here was a band that could not only compete with the likes of Exodus, Testament, Forbidden, Death [...]
In 2020, thrash metal’s big-hitters are returning in their droves and there’s reformations and comebacks a-plenty! Here’s 6 forthcoming thrash albums making our thrashy [...]
The 1980s San Francisco Bay Area scene was a seismic moment in the world of metal and part of that moment was Heathen. The band return on January 31st with the 10th [...]