Considering the UK invented heavy metal, it’s always frustrating to reflect on how ‘seemingly’ unsuccessful we were at thrash metal! Predominantly an American [...]
Another year almost over and another end of year list! Well this one’s for the thrashers and while The Big 4 were relatively quiet (Slayer withstanding), the [...]
Anihilated kick off their Dawn Of The Antisocial European Tour next month! Touring in support of their phenomenal new album, Anti Social Engineering, Thrash fans are [...]
Anihilated‘s latest opus, Anti Social Engineering, is due on April 13th and the UK Thrash legends have corralled a veritable who’s-who of guest vocalists. Joining [...]
Anihilated’s Vocalist and Bassist, the inimitable Si Cobb, gives WorshipMetal the exclusive lowdown on their forthcoming album; ANTI SOCIAL ENGINEERING. As [...]
Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, just like all genres, has had its fair share of peaks and troughs in popularity over the years but it’s fair to say that we are currently [...]
Considering the UK invented heavy metal, it’s always frustrating to reflect on how seemingly unsuccessful we were at thrash metal! Predominantly an American phenomenon [...]