While the 1990’s ultimately sounded the death knell for the genre…. these obscurities prove that thrash still had plenty to say! Assorted Heap – Mindwaves [...]
While the 1990’s ultimately sounded the death knell for the genre…. these obscurities prove that thrash still had plenty to say! Asphyxia – Exit:Reality (1991) [...]
While the 1990’s ultimately sounded the death knell for the genre…. these obscurities prove that thrash still had plenty to say! Allegiance – D.E.S.T.I.T.U.T.I.O.N [...]
The classics are all well and good but there’s a shit ton of obscure thrash out there that demands to be heard! To that end, Worship Metal has selected 10 obscure [...]
Overkill are thrash metal legends. But with such a huge back catalogue to devour (20 full length studio albums and counting), where the hell do you start? [...]
While thrash in the 80’s and early 90’s was generally an American phenomenon the Canadians were hot on their tails, releasing a steady stream of ferociously violent [...]
Considering the UK invented heavy metal, it’s always frustrating to reflect on how ‘seemingly’ unsuccessful we were at thrash metal! Predominantly an American [...]
Our antipodean cousins are hardly renowned for thrash (at least not in the 80’s and early 90’s anyway) but there was some supreme talent lurking down under, [...]
The classics are all well and good but there’s a shit ton of obscure thrash out there that demands to be heard! To that end, we’ve selected YET ANOTHER 10 obscure [...]
The classics are all well and good but there’s a shit ton of obscure thrash out there that demands to be heard! To that end, we’ve selected 10 MORE obscure old-school [...]