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Eye Of Purgatory – The Lighthouse – Album Review

Does Swedish death metal workhorse Rogga Johansson ever take a break. Seriously. A cup of tea maybe? Stretch the legs? Anything? The man shits out more death metal related albums in a 12 month period than is surely humanly possible and yet, the quality of said excretion rarely dips.

Impressive stuff. 

This weeks Rogga Johansson affiliated release is the sophomore effort from Eye of Purgatory, a melodic death metal milieu of synths, growls, acoustic guitar and crushing riffs….and it’s a banger. Blast this fucker out of the lighthouse and even the most cloth-eared seaman is gonna take heed and avoid those damn jagged rocks.

Shining a light on particular highlights is the norm for these ‘ere metal reviews so we’ll go for the opening triumvirate of “The Lighthouse”, “Fornever to Awaken” and “Carved in a Stone Bleeding”; three tracks which offer insanely catchy keyboard licks and a vortex of swirling, tumultuous buzzsaw guitars. As old-school as fuck and riding a blackened sea of blast beats, sinewy tremolo guitars and sterling vocal work from Rogga himself (who is ably backed by the equally busy  Jeramie Kling [Ex Deo, Goregang, Ribspreader, Inhuman Condition, Venom Inc.] and Taylor Nordberg [Goregang, Ribspreader, Inhuman Condition]), Eye Of Purgatory can’t be accused of offering anything ‘new’ but you’ll be having way too much of a good time to care!  

Cranking out albums at a ridiculous rate could prove to be dangerous but, for now, Rogga just keeps on delivering the goods. With a seemingly bottomless pit of ideas at his disposal we can’t help but doff our cap to another stellar release from the big man.

So, if you enjoyed (deep breath) Megascavenger‘s Songs In The Key Of Madness, MonstrousDawnsleeper, , Johansson & Speckman’s The Germs Of Circumstance, Revolting‘s The Shadow At The World’s End, House By The Cemetary’s Rise of the Rotten, Dead Sun‘s Night Terrors and Furnace‘s Dark Vistas (all of which were released in just the last 12 months), then Eye Of Purgatory’s The Lighthouse should be considered equally as mandatory.

Stick the kettle on Roger, you deserve a sit-down. 7/10

Eye Of Purgatory‘s The Lighthouse was released on June 18th 2021 via Transcending Obscurity Records.

The Lighthouse (Death Metal) | EYE OF PURGATORY (Sweden) | Eye of Purgatory
About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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