The Voodoo in Belfast is the type of venue that seems tailor made for a band like UK thrashers Acid Reign [10], it’s up close and personal and leaves no one in the [...]
In the world of thrash, 2019 was fundamentally about comebacks and reformations, as bands thought to be long consigned to the history books returned to show the world [...]
2019 has been a great year for metal. In March, Overkill released The Wings Of War, their 19th studio album (19th!!!), which retained their ridiculous winning streak. Also, [...]
In 2019, thrash metal’s big-hitters are returning in their droves and there’s reformations and comebacks a-plenty! Here’s 6 forthcoming thrash albums making our [...]
Considering the UK invented heavy metal, it’s always frustrating to reflect on how ‘seemingly’ unsuccessful we were at thrash metal! Predominantly an American [...]
Opening with some kick-ass old-school staccato riffing (Papa Het style!) and frontman ‘H‘ putting in a particularly aggressive vocal performance, the main [...]
Acid Reign are back, the self-proclaimed purveyors of Apple Core have finally re-booted (not reformed, frontman H’s words not ours) and UK Thrash finally has one of [...]
Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, just like all genres, has had its fair share of peaks and troughs in popularity over the years but it’s fair to say that we are currently [...]
Considering the UK invented heavy metal, it’s always frustrating to reflect on how seemingly unsuccessful we were at thrash metal! Predominantly an American phenomenon [...]