The 10 Greatest THRASH METAL Albums Turning 35 Years Old In 2021!

1986. The greatest year in thrash history? Arguably so. We all know that the big guns released seminal albums in ’86 but there was also a slew of quality releases from lesser known acts clogging up the thrash airwaves with some of the filthiest sounds imaginable; thrash was already evolving and death metal was the next logical progression. With a shit-load of quality releases to choose from here’s OUR pick of the 10 greatest thrash metal albums of turning 35 years old in 2021….. Sacrifice – Torment In Fire [Canada] Sacrifice‘s fiery thrash debut was fiendishly evil, brutally effective and pure diabolical mayhem set to music. Featuring some truly spine-scraping shrieks and riffs that threaten to veer into all out distorted noise, Sacrifice may have been undeniably immature at this stage in there career but there’s no escaping the sheer impact this feral release still possesses. These Canadian miscreants often sounded more like their unhinged German counterparts than the clinically precise riffing found south of the border. Subsequently, Sacrifice found themselves joining the ranks of the demented Destruction, Kreator, Whiplash and Possessed in channeling the more maniacal possibilities thrash had to offer. While a god-awful production job slightly lessens its impact, Torment In … Continue reading The 10 Greatest THRASH METAL Albums Turning 35 Years Old In 2021!